
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Puntarelle "a la Romana"

In Italy, in the country near Rome are called Puntarelle the chicory sprouts when they are cut and treated in a particular way. This roman chicory is not the quality rather tough and bitter widespread in northern regions, but a more tender and sweet quality.  However today, it's not difficult to find it in almost every fruit and vegetable markets .

Ingredients for the salad : Garlic, 4 or 5 salted fillets of anchov, 2 tablespoons of good wine vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper.

The secret for this salad is the way to cut the chicory sprouts

Remove all the leaves from the bush and set them aside for other uses (they are delicious cooked and sauté).
Separate each bud. Remove the hard part toward the root and possibly also the slight outer rind

Then cut each sprout lengthwise into long and rather thin filaments, similar to spaghetti, that you will put in a bowl with cold water and ice and, if you like, also some tablespoon of vinegar. You will see that you they will curl, especially if well cutted.
Meanwhile, mash in a bowl anchovies, after being desalted in water, until you get a paste.
Add to this paste 2 tablespoons of vinegar, olive oil and garlic. 
Let flavor this sauce  the moment to dress the salad .
At last drain the chicory and season it with the anchovy and garlic sauce. This salad is gorgeous accompanied by good homemade bread .

A curious note
This way to season salad brings us back to a famous and ancient sauce well known to the times of ancient Rome, the Garum and all products related to its production. We know, among other things, that the poet Horace loved to season vegetablesthis way

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