Nature Santé Innovation, a site to which contribute doctors and researchers, sends to readers a very interesting newsletter with contents often overlooked or little known that may be beneficial to our well-being .
From one of these letters I have drawn the following.
The sun indeed has many beneficial effects often not known by all.
Today we can read often about skin cancer, because since 1945 its incidence doubles every 10 years.
Skin cancers (carcinomas and melanomas), however, have a rather limited impact statistically and in general are not dangerous (carcinomas are easily treatable ), except melanomas if late overlooked or diagnosed.
These data comes from France where in 2012, for example, on a population of 60 million French people there were 1612 deaths by skin cancer vs 150,000 deaths by other types of cancer and 130,000 deaths by cardiovascular disease.
I do not want to push you to be superficial: any sign or modification caused by the sun on the skin (not even on the skin exposed to the sun) should be taken seriously and when found, it is important to be seen by a doctor. In addition to that, sunburns are recognized causes of melanoma, especially among children repeatedly exposed to sunlight before that their skin had time to prepare.
However do not forget the many benefits of the sun! Stay outdoors taking the sun is one way to reduce the risk of heart disease and to prevent other types of tumors whose main and well known causes are stress, physical inactivity, obesity, alcohol and smoking.
Sop, it's much better to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer of any type, instead of to only focus on the prevention of skin cancer.
The most beautiful plants love the sun.
Tomatoes, eggplant, flowers and vegetables of all kinds in the summer are seeking the sun and stay in the sun all day without sunscreen or umbrella. They're fine if they have water.
The secret of their resistance to sunlight depends on their leaves that are covered with special pigments called carotenoids, which have antioxidant properties and protects skin from damage.
So, to protect us against sun damage in the summer it is worth to pay attention to what we eat.
The medical journal The Lancet has published in 2004 some information never made public by media nor by public health authorities: melanoma, unlike carcinomas, is rare in people regularly exposed to sunlight.
So it is true that the sun can cause melanoma when you take it too much at once and without being used to, but it is also true that not excessive but constant exposure to the sun reduces the risk of melanoma.
People who work inside offices have melanomas thicker than people who work outdoors. The British Medical Journal has confirmed this information, saying that the sun factor, apart from the carcinomas, it is not a major identified cause of melanoma.
The sun may even decrease the risk of dying. In fact, optimizing the levels of vitamin D it could help to prevent many types of cancer, according to results from more than 200 epidemiological studies that confirm the close link between vitamin D deficiency and risk of cancer. Remember that the sun is the best source of vitamin D! A study on a large scale, placebo-controlled trial, has shown that vitamin D combined with calcium can reduce the overall risk of cancer by up to 60% in women after menopause, in particular with regard to breast and the colon rectally cancer.
Moreover women with fair skin who take a lot of sun in the long term have a lower risk of developing breast cancer, according to a study in the Journal of Epidemiology.
Exposure to the sun of 2/3 of the body surface for no more obout 1 hour and a half per day can produce 20,000 IU of vitamin D every day, a value a hundred times bigger than the fixed daily dose of 200 IU recommended by European health authorities and this with no risk of overdose, because our body naturally regulates its own production of vitamin D when produced by the effect of the sun, so to never reach a dangerous level.
Is it not brilliant?
But that's not all, benefits of the sun are many others.
The latest research has confirmed that when we are in the sun, the amount of nitric oxide in the blood increases with the effect of lowering blood pressure. The sun would then be an effective way to combat high blood pressure, according to Richard Weller, a researcher specializing in dermatology. The optimal exposure for this purpose is 20 minutes when the sun is high in the sky. All these beneficial effects, however, are greatly lowered if we use sun creams as butter on sandwich.
And there is more.
The sun has an analgesic effect and it also greatly improves morale, we do not yet well know why. I have also a personal memory. I was 30 and I was pregnant when it began to appear on my skin reddish spots that turned out to be a dermatitis called rosacea of Gilbert. This dermatitis was worsened by contact with water and with soap, by sweat and by the warm clothes. The dermatologist advised me to get dressed with loose clothing made of natural fabrics as linen or cotton and, most importantly, to take as much sun as possible.
Dermatitis passed fairly quickly without creams and without other medicines and I have not had a relapse.
So I would sum up.
Let’s learn to be happy when the sun shines in a big blue sky, to avoid sunburn and to eat every day colorful fruits and vegetables, rich in vitamins and especially vitamin A, C and E.
And if we notice something wrong with our skin that evolves but does not passes, let’s show it to a doctor but without panic or paranoia.
Benefits will be many and risks few!
From one of these letters I have drawn the following.
What we often forget about sun
A hat, sunglasses, long sleeves, total sunscreen, stay in the shade and also in house from noon to 4pm. These prescriptions we believe are usefull to protect ourself from skin cancer. But this is not just a way to ruin our vacation and our fun in the summer, it is also bad for health.The sun indeed has many beneficial effects often not known by all.
Today we can read often about skin cancer, because since 1945 its incidence doubles every 10 years.
Skin cancers (carcinomas and melanomas), however, have a rather limited impact statistically and in general are not dangerous (carcinomas are easily treatable ), except melanomas if late overlooked or diagnosed.
These data comes from France where in 2012, for example, on a population of 60 million French people there were 1612 deaths by skin cancer vs 150,000 deaths by other types of cancer and 130,000 deaths by cardiovascular disease.
I do not want to push you to be superficial: any sign or modification caused by the sun on the skin (not even on the skin exposed to the sun) should be taken seriously and when found, it is important to be seen by a doctor. In addition to that, sunburns are recognized causes of melanoma, especially among children repeatedly exposed to sunlight before that their skin had time to prepare.
However do not forget the many benefits of the sun! Stay outdoors taking the sun is one way to reduce the risk of heart disease and to prevent other types of tumors whose main and well known causes are stress, physical inactivity, obesity, alcohol and smoking.
Sop, it's much better to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer of any type, instead of to only focus on the prevention of skin cancer.
The most beautiful plants love the sun.
Tomatoes, eggplant, flowers and vegetables of all kinds in the summer are seeking the sun and stay in the sun all day without sunscreen or umbrella. They're fine if they have water.
The secret of their resistance to sunlight depends on their leaves that are covered with special pigments called carotenoids, which have antioxidant properties and protects skin from damage.
So, to protect us against sun damage in the summer it is worth to pay attention to what we eat.
The medical journal The Lancet has published in 2004 some information never made public by media nor by public health authorities: melanoma, unlike carcinomas, is rare in people regularly exposed to sunlight.
So it is true that the sun can cause melanoma when you take it too much at once and without being used to, but it is also true that not excessive but constant exposure to the sun reduces the risk of melanoma.
People who work inside offices have melanomas thicker than people who work outdoors. The British Medical Journal has confirmed this information, saying that the sun factor, apart from the carcinomas, it is not a major identified cause of melanoma.
The sun may even decrease the risk of dying. In fact, optimizing the levels of vitamin D it could help to prevent many types of cancer, according to results from more than 200 epidemiological studies that confirm the close link between vitamin D deficiency and risk of cancer. Remember that the sun is the best source of vitamin D! A study on a large scale, placebo-controlled trial, has shown that vitamin D combined with calcium can reduce the overall risk of cancer by up to 60% in women after menopause, in particular with regard to breast and the colon rectally cancer.
Moreover women with fair skin who take a lot of sun in the long term have a lower risk of developing breast cancer, according to a study in the Journal of Epidemiology.
Exposure to the sun of 2/3 of the body surface for no more obout 1 hour and a half per day can produce 20,000 IU of vitamin D every day, a value a hundred times bigger than the fixed daily dose of 200 IU recommended by European health authorities and this with no risk of overdose, because our body naturally regulates its own production of vitamin D when produced by the effect of the sun, so to never reach a dangerous level.
Is it not brilliant?
But that's not all, benefits of the sun are many others.
The latest research has confirmed that when we are in the sun, the amount of nitric oxide in the blood increases with the effect of lowering blood pressure. The sun would then be an effective way to combat high blood pressure, according to Richard Weller, a researcher specializing in dermatology. The optimal exposure for this purpose is 20 minutes when the sun is high in the sky. All these beneficial effects, however, are greatly lowered if we use sun creams as butter on sandwich.
And there is more.
The sun has an analgesic effect and it also greatly improves morale, we do not yet well know why. I have also a personal memory. I was 30 and I was pregnant when it began to appear on my skin reddish spots that turned out to be a dermatitis called rosacea of Gilbert. This dermatitis was worsened by contact with water and with soap, by sweat and by the warm clothes. The dermatologist advised me to get dressed with loose clothing made of natural fabrics as linen or cotton and, most importantly, to take as much sun as possible.
Dermatitis passed fairly quickly without creams and without other medicines and I have not had a relapse.
So I would sum up.
Let’s learn to be happy when the sun shines in a big blue sky, to avoid sunburn and to eat every day colorful fruits and vegetables, rich in vitamins and especially vitamin A, C and E.
And if we notice something wrong with our skin that evolves but does not passes, let’s show it to a doctor but without panic or paranoia.
Benefits will be many and risks few!
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